Monday, 3 October 2011

You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.

I’m going to start telling myself that in the mirror every morning.

Surprisingly, my date with Z went… fine? Although, I made the mistake of getting a car wash before picking him up. Apparently my window isn’t sealed all the way. Got a bit of a nasty shock when I felt cold water dripping onto my shoulder. Luckily, I had an apron from work in the backseat so I sat there pretty damn damp, panicked, and held my apron to the window like a fool. This is so me.

Should have just left the bird shit on the window!

Anyway, I picked him up and everything was going swimmingly. Only a couple awkward moments when either I fucked up my Chinese or he fucked up his English. One gem was when he was trying to describe his friend’s dorm to me. I thought he said the dorm’s nickname was something like “Billingsly’s Whore” (in my head I was like, holy shit), but in actuality it was “Billingsly’s Hall”. LOLZ ensued.

We went and saw the Help, which honestly was not a smart idea on my part. The first reason was because the movie is based in the South - with heavy southern accents. I had trouble understanding some parts. It didn’t seem to register in my mind that Z would have a hard time with this. The second reason was because I KNEW that I would probably get teary-eyed, and by the time the credits were rolling I had Z whispering in my ear, “Are you crying?”

No, goddamnit! Butitwasatotaltearjerker.

Now the only fail for the night would have to be when I dropped him off. From the moment I parked, it seemed like we had been sitting there for like, twenty minutes. He was looking at me pretty longingly, but for some ungodly reason, I didn’t take the bait. So eventually the poor boy held out his clammy hand all nervous-like for a handshake. I took it and said sarcastically (and kinda bitchy, now that I think about it), “A handshake? How about we hug?” So we hugged. And he went inside.

And I pondered the entire fifteen minutes it took to get home how much of a FAIL that was.